DoodlePups - Millie 2024 weekly pics

The First Day

Everything went well with the whelping. Millie has great instints and is very attentive. The puppies mostly eat and sleep.

Red Female
Day 1

orange Male
Day 1

Yellow Male
Day 1

Green Female
Day 1

Blue Female
Day 1

Purple Male
Day 1

Black Male
Day 1

Brown Male
Day 1


The First Week

Early Neurological Stimulation has begun. Each puppy gains about 1oz per day. We love these cute little reds!

Red Female
Week 1

orange Male
Week 1

Yellow Male
Week 1

Green Female
Week 1

Blue Female
Week 1

Purple Male
Week 1

Black Male
Week 1

Brown Male
Week 1


The Second Week

The puppies have started to open their eyes. We perform Early Neurological Stimulation everyday. Millie is keeping the puppies fat and happy.

Red Female
Week 2

orange Male
Week 2

Yellow Male
Week 2

Green Female
Week 2

Blue Female
Week 2

Purple Male
Week 2

Black Male
Week 2

Brown Male
Week 2


The Third Week

Eyes are open and the pups are getting around on all four paws. Their personalities are starting to come through as they interact and explore their suroundings with improved eyesight and mobility.

Red Female
Week 3

orange Male
Week 3

Yellow Male
Week 3

Green Female
Week 3

Blue Female
Week 3

Purple Male
Week 3

Black Male
Week 3

Brown Male
Week 3


The Fourth Week

Weaning has started. Some of the pups are begining to eat some softened puppy food on their own. They are getting more vocal with lots of little barks and growls as they play fight. The puppies have had several interactions with different types of people and the puppies enjoy it.

Red Female
Week 4

orange Male
Week 4

Yellow Male
Week 4

Green Female
Week 4

Blue Female
Week 4

Purple Male
Week 4

Black Male
Week 4

Brown Male
Week 4


The Fifth Week

The puppies are starting to chow down on canned puppy food and soft kibble. They love to interact with people and play outside.

Red Female
Week 5

orange Male
Week 5

Yellow Male
Week 5

Green Female
Week 5

Blue Female
Week 5

Purple Male
Week 5

Black Male
Week 5

Brown Male
Week 5


The Sixth Week

The puppies love exploring outside their pen and playing with visitors. They still nurse a bit when they can but the majority of their food is puppy food.

Red Female
Week 6

orange Male
Week 6

Yellow Male
Week 6

Green Female
Week 6

Blue Female
Week 6

Purple Male
Week 6

Black Male
Week 6

Brown Male
Week 6